Standards to become supplier
As customer orientation is our top priority, AEON Viet Nam always strives to provide our customers assurance and trust in offering high-quality products. Therefore, we issue Technical Standard portfolio for selecting qualified suppliers in terms of Quality Management Competency. Accordingly, to become Suppliers of AEON Viet Nam, suppliers shall fully meet 6 minimum requirements as below:
No scandal of product quality.
There shall be no scandal of product quality or the scandal shall be addressed already (if any)
Supplier's factory and products are granted certificates as per Viet Nam regulations.
- Business licenses.
- Issuance of the certificate of food safety
- Quality management certificates (if any) such as HACCP, ISO 22000, IFS, BRC, FSSC 22000;….
- Declaration or self-declaration documents of products (for products that are obligated as per Viet Nam regulations)
Means of transportation and/or product container are suitable with product’s requirement.
Suppliers shall comply with regulations on the conditions for means of transportation and/or product containers, meet the product requirements and ensure that documents/records proving conformity such as quality control records for product transportation, self-declaration documents & test results of direct food contact containers/packaging presenting high risk of contaminants' migration into food shall be adequate.
Compliance with Vietnam regulations about potential contamination sources.
- Suppliers shall comply with Viet Nam regulations regarding potential sources of contamination coming from soil, water and production environment, including identify all the potential hazards associated with each step, from raw material receipt through to production processing, storage and finished products distribution; and adequate control records shall be available.
- Supplier shall submit evidence proving the safety of the products intended to supplied to AEON Vietnam (the levels of heavy metal; mycotoxins; microorganism;…shall comply with Vietnam regulations)
- Supplier's traceability documents shall be available, ensuring the products supplied to AEON Viet Nam have a clear origin and are strictly controlled from raw materials to finished products.
- The complete traceability documents shall include (but not limited): documents, evidence to identify the origin of materials, production diary, quality control documents of all steps from raw material receipt to finished product distribution/delivery.
- Provided documents shall have a close linkage between all steps, following “One step back-One step forward” principle and Mass Balance (traceability level)
Suppliers must comply with Viet Nam regulations on using crop protection products, veterinary medicine, antibiotic drug, food additives/ food processing aids,…
Suppliers shall strictly comply with Viet Nam regulations on the use of crop protection products, veterinary medicine, antibiotic drug, food additives/food processing aids,… Use the right types, for a right treatment, with the right dosage, and in accordance with recommended pre-harvest interval (if any)…; Evidence for proving the compliance of the products with these regulations is obligated.