- Prohibited bribery offer (including any benefit or any advantage)
- Any enjoyment and entertainment including but not limited to meals, music concerts, movies tickets, other performances, any chances to play any sports (such as golf, tennis and others); except for the event that such enjoyment and entertainment shall be served for the purposes agreed by both Company's Management and the Supplier legally;
- Any chances to attend any local/ overseas conventions, exhibitions or trips held by the Supplier, any Related Person of the Supplier and/ or of the Supplier's Partner, including but not limited to airfares, hotel charges or any other charges;
- Any chances to conduct any lectures, seminars held or sponsored by the Supplier, any Related Person of the Supplier and/ or of the Supplier's Partner. Even if such lectures, seminars are conducted with approval as required herein, the above mentioned entities shall not give any Advantage or Benefit to the Company, any Related Persons of the Company and/ or of the Company's Partner for conducting such lectures and seminars;
- Any chances to use any transportation of the Supplier, any Related Person of the Supplier and/ or of the Supplier's Partner unless for the purpose agreed by both Company's Management and the Supplier.
- Prohibited bribery
The Supplier shall not request, agree to receive or accept any Advantage or Benefit from the Company, any Related Persons of the Company and/ or of the Company's Partner in any form (directly or indirectly via any third parties), for any reason, and on any Occasion unless getting prior written approval of the Company's Management.
- Prohibited bribery
The Supplier shall not, directly or indirectly via any third parties, be involved in any corruption, extortion, bribery, fraud, false declarations, counterfeiting, insider trading and any other illegal activities on behalf of the Supplier and/ or the Company.
- Report obligation
on bribery
In any case, if the Supplier is aware of or discover that any of the Company’s employees request, agree to receive or accept any Advantage or Benefit from the Supplier, any Related Persons of the Supplier and/ or of the Supplier's Partner in any form (directly or indirectly via any third parties), for any reason, and on any Occasion, then the Supplier shall promptly inform the Company's Management. The Supplier’s compliance with this provision shall not release Supplier from any other obligations herein.
- Report obligation
on related persons
In any case, if the Supplier is aware that any of the Company’s employees and/ or any Related Persons of such employee have any benefit in the Supplier’s ownership, management, employment, then the Supplier shall promptly inform the Company's Management for its decision whether such employee can be involved in the business relationship between the Company and the Supplier. The Supplier’s observance of this provision shall not release the Supplier from any other obligations herein.
The Supplier shall not conduct, collaborate or induce any of the Company’s employees to:
- Induce any of the Company’s employees to perform improperly a relevant function or activity, and/ or reward such employee for the improper performance of such a function or activity.
- Sell any merchandise, goods or products directly to any of the Company’s employees and/ or any Related Persons of such employees for their own enjoyment, consumption, business, or trading purposes instead of those of the Company.
- Engage in any discussion with any of the Company’s employees or any others who are not in charge about any confidential matters and/ or any information not being generally available to the public which pertain to the Company, including but not limited to business, customer and partner lists, price policies, marketing plans, financial statements, patent, copyrights, trade secret and proprietary information.
- Play gamble, cards and any other similar activities with any of the Company's employees.
- And other activities prohibited by applicable laws.
AEON shall be entitled to:
- Terminate any Agreement signed between the Company and the Supplier at any time and with immediately effect without bearing any penalty or compensation to the Supplier.
- Apply any other sanctions as stipulated in such Agreement.
- Seek full compensation from the supplier for any and all losses and damages incurred by the Company arising from the Supplier's breach.
Business Hotline ( is official channel to receive all issues voiced related to the Business Partner of AEON Vietnam. We strive to create a positive working environment, dealing fairly and working for our mutual prosperity.WHAT WE DO?
We are available always to receive and solve problems related to:- Legal violation.
- Unfair business practices.
- Issues involving to safety & security of customers.